I started the project by entering all the content first, followed by coding the functionality using PHP. Once we started styling, I styled for mobile first with media queries to accomodate responsive designs for tablet and desktop sizes.
With the mockups complete, my teammate and I divided the workload and began work on the development of the app itself.
I started off with setting up the app structure, then turned them over to my teammate once I'd finished with them. From here on, I worked on styling the app's UI while my teammate worked on pulling in the data dynamically. This was decided with the thought that it would reduce the chances of code conflicts happening.
The final product differed a little from my mockups, as small changes were made to improve usability during the development process.
A live search functionality was incorporated to allow users to search for any movies available on the movie database.
Dynamic button for adding movies to favourites through local storage. Favourited movies are displayed on a dedicated page.
Fetching movie data with API key and useEffect. Movies are sorted by popular, top-rated, trending and upcoming.
Through media queries and a mobile-first approach, the website is responsive for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.